Garlic and Basil lobster with Linguine
Really simple tasty birthday treat.
Real Aioli – Classic Recipe Without Egg
This is egg-less homemade garlic Aioli (or Allioli) sauce. It is more typical of what you will find in Spain. Aioli is arguably the greatest cold sauce of all time. Yet it's nothing more than olive oil emulsified into freshly crushed garlic, seasoned simply with salt and lemon. This is egg-less homemade garlic Aioli (or Allioli) sauce. It is more typical of what you will find in Spain. Perfect for grilled … Read More
Blackened Gulf of Maine Redfish
Best seafood from Maine .
Lemon and Olive Oil Shrimp
Lemon and Olive Oil Shrimp in Butter This is a delicious quick gluten-free meal for any meatless day on your calendar.
Honey Garlic Pork Meatball Sauce inspired by Diana Rattray
A sauce for all pork balls. Honey and garlic make a sweet and tasty sauce for these homemade pork meatballs.
Creamy Cheddar Cheese Soup
This creamy cheese soup is delicious on a cold winter day!
Oma’s Brötchen
German bread rolls recipe that’s reminiscent of the Brötchen in Germany? They are WUNDERBAR! If there's one thing that's missed by almost everyone who has been in Germany and the one recipe that's always requested, it's this one.
Homemade Sausage Links
Do it yourself breakfast sausage links.
Verde’s Bread
This is a mixed up recipe. Don’t try at home. This bread has become a staple in my diet and a favorite by all family members. It’s at its peak of perfection which toasted and served with a dairy free butter or natural peanut butter and sugar free preserves!