Chicken and Carrot Fried Rice with Egg Roll

Chicken and carrot fried rice with egg roll is a family favorite and IBD friendly for me. Very tasty and easy to prepare on short notice. It can be expanded easily for a family of 8 hungry people. The Egg Rolls can be prepared ahead of time, frozen, thawed and cooked in an Air Fryer – ready in 15-20 minutes. This combination foods which work for my IBD diet is … Read More

Jasmine Rice

Sweet smelling Jasmine rice, gently boiled – awesome, a healthy side for me. My IBD has no problem with this dish. LowFODMAP🍏🍏🍏🍏 Sweet smelling Jasmine rice, gently boiled – awesome, a healthy side for me. My IBD has no problem with this dish.