- Beer – if drinking more than one bottle
- Coconut water
- Cordial, apple and raspberry with 50-100% real juice
- Cordial, orange with 25-50% real juice
- Fruit and herbal teas with apple added
- Fruit juices in large quantities
- Fruit juices made of apple, pear, mango
- Kombucha
- Malted chocolate flavored drink
- Orange juice in quantities over 100ml
- Quinoa milk
- Rum
- Sodas containing High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)
- Soy milk made with soy beans – commonly found in USA
- Sports drinks
- Tea:
- Black tea with added soy milk
- Chai tea, strong
- Dandelion tea, strong
- Fennel tea
- Chamomile tea
- Herbal tea, strong
- Oolong tea
- Wine – if drinking more than one glass
- Whey protein, concentrate unless lactose free
- Whey protein, hydrolyzed unless lactose free